Let's face it, one of the key ingredients to today's Internet is the video review. You know what we mean, the latest videos showing how this product is unboxed, or how that product works, or how yet another product looks and feels. Next to How-To's, the iPhoneWriter.com team loves Review videos above all else and, If you're anything like us, you love them too. Well get ready to fall in love again, this time with a guy named AGMan35, as he's known on YouTube.
AGMan35 has an ever-growing collection of videos focused on technology reviews and how-to's but that's not what's cool. What's cool, really cool, is the fact that he doesn't just focus on new-school gadgets and technology, he also devices a fair amount of his time to the old-school stuff. Ever seen an unboxing video for the Apple QuickTake 200 digital camera? How about a review of the original Macintosh SE? AGMan35 recently posted videos on both topics… right beside a great How-To for recalibrating the home button on an iPhone. The best of the old and the new, all in one place. Sweet!
So, after spending more time on his Geek Sanctuary than we expected, the iPhoneWriter.com team gives a huge thumbs-up and major props to AGMan35. We enjoyed his videos so much, we've updated our own video bar to only include his channel.
Be sure to check him out, you know you want to, and subscribe to his channel so that you're always in the know.