Review: In-Depth Aliph JawBone and Apple iPhone Review, Introduction

After waiting a few weeks for the whir to die down, it was time to get a bluetooth headset, for our Apple iPhone. As it turns out, waiting was a good thing because in that time Apple added their own bluetooth solution to the long list of bluetooth headset options.

Being a huge fan of Apple's computers, since switching several years ago, it could only be a good thing that Apple decided to release their own bluetooth headset. Everything Apple makes is so well designed that an Apple bluetooth headset would have to set a new standard, much like the Apple iPhone has redefined the cellphone industry. Of course, before making a buying decision, practicality dictates reading as many reviews as possible (kind of like you're doing now.)

Spending nearly a week reading the good, the bad and the ugly of every forum post, blog and review of Apple iPhone bluetooth headsets we could find, the Apple bluetooth solution did not make the final list for potential purchase. Sad but true. While Apple's bluetooth solution is commonly reported to be sleek and appealing in design, the sound quality and lack of noise reduction are also common topics. Finally, the buying decision was narrowed to two units: the Jabra NX-10 and the Aliph JawBone. Based on numerous reports and reviews, the Aliph JawBone was finally chosen (the title of this review might have given you a clue.)

Over the next few articles (not necessarily in successive order), the web site will be posting an in-depth review of the Aliph JawBone bluetooth headset. As with other reviews, the multi-part Aliph JawBone review will focus on real-world usage scenarios dealing with wearability, durability and overall usability, in that order.

With that said, the next article in the series will focus on wearability, that is to say how the Aliph JawBone fits and feels when in action.

Aliphe JawBone Review, Part Two: Wearability >>

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

waiting a few weeks for the whir to die down, it was time to get a bluetooth headset, for our Apple iPhone. As it turns out, waiting was a good thing because ...